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Monday, July 17, 2023

YSS. Immortal Spirit.

I am the blessed spirit.

I have no birth.

No death.

No caste have I.

I have no father.

No mother.

Have I none.

Blessed Spirit I am he. (The infinite spirit).

I am not Mind.

Nor intellect.

Nor ego chittwa. (Sky, nor space).

Nor earth.

Nor metals am I.

Link to this Video. Search more. Search for cosmic chants.

Becoming nothing is healing. 

Link to this video. Search more.

Human beings gets connected to others. For example, Similar to wireless devices. Sometimes it's better to put the device's bluetooth into off mode. Read more about this.
Training the mind.

Translation.  KannadaHindi

Sadhguru. A process of healing must be experienced.  It can't be experienced only by words. 

Darkness is the lap of creation. 

Link to this video.  Search more. 

Land Beyond My Dreams.

Read more about this.

YSS. spirit has no death.

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YSS. Land Beyond My Dreams.

In The Land Beyond My Dreams.

Where no clouds come,
and golden dreams dwell.

I sit by life's well, 
heart to heart meeting, 
spirit and soul's greeting.

The ark is waiting, 
and I am dreaming,
of the land beyond my dreams.

In the ark of silence, silently we go,
to the land beyond my dreams.

Where no sorrow comes, 
nor death dare enter, 
in the land beyond my dreams.

To this paradise the ark will rise, 
to the land beyond my dreams.

Link to this Video. Search more.

YSS. spirit has no death.

Read more about this.
Land Beyond My Dreams.


Monday, September 20, 2021

Love is Freedom

Water symbolises love.

As long as you keep your hands caringly open it will remain there.

If you attempt to close your fingers arround it, and try to possess it, 
it will spill through the cracks.

This is the mistake people do when they love.

They try to, possess it, demand and expect. 
Love will retrieve away.

Love is ment to be free.
If there are people you love.
Allow them to be free beings.

Give and don't expect.
Advice guidance but don't order.
Request but not demand.
This is secret of true love.

Woman as a wife and mother.

Man and Woman are EQUAL.

Enter the url link webpage. And translate to your language.

Marriage. Scientific Reason.

Happily Married Good Friends.

Joy of marriage.

Link to this article.
Love is Freedom.


Saturday, May 30, 2020

Nature healing

Beautiful morning. Nature healing.


Saturday, April 11, 2020

Wealth with peace

I strongly belief that, wealth is meaningful only with peace, which is achieved by gentleness, loyalty, goodwill and blessings. Living a life of calmness, compassion and kindness provides healing to my mind and body. Without gentleness and kindness, the wealth and the strength never becomes a blessing.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Positive Hope.

Today is a new day,
you may have had an unfair past,
but you don’t have to have an unfair future.

If you have a hard time staying positive,
consider what you are watching and reading,
what you take in through your eyes and ears,
affects your thoughts the most.

Worry is the result of,
focusing on your circumstances,
peace is when you focus within.

As soon as we make a decision,
to step out in good faith,
the enemy will bring fear,
it’s a devils spirit that has to leave,
when you call on the angels of peace.

Let us not grow weary while doing good,
for in due season we shall reap,
if we do not lose heart.

The past is over,
don’t relive it by holding a grudge,
choose to forgive and release the weight of bitterness,
so you can move forward in the freedom.

Sometimes when we can’t expect others,
to heal our hurts or meet our deepest needs,
we have to find peace within ourselves,
we have to heal and help ourselves.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Creating Life of Peace

It is an opportunity, and a time,
a moment in the phase of our Life.
To create something better,
than what was before.
To explore and discover,
new pathways to happiness.
To experience a new joy,
of self discovery.
To control all our emotions.
To convert our fears into confidence.
To discover our inner strength of humbleness.
To be a initiator and a role model.
To create our own independence.
To be all by ourself and sufficient.
To create our own Life of Peace.

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